I'm just a normal, regular, everyday guy; 36 yrs old. BUT, (no pun intended) I have to deal with "ANAL SKIN TAGS"! What are they? Well, they are similar to hemorrhoids, but aren't exactly the same thing. They are flaps of skin that protrude, or hang from my rectum. They're just an inconvenience, & embarrassing for the most part. They don't hurt, or cause a whole lot of discomfort, (other than emotional). I HATE THEM!! I have had them for about 10 -12 years now. Although it started out as just one small one, I have aquired a few more, which have grown over the years. I want to have them removed, and have been researching info on the net. However, I can't find a whole lot of stuff about them. Sure, I can find PLENTY of articles, & pages on "hemorrhoids", and "fissures", and "cancer"..... but not much on MY condition, "ANAL SKIN TAGS".
I took these photos for medical documentation, & educational purposes.
These are actual pictures of MY anal skin tags. These are completely untouched photos, other than cropping the images to fit better in a webpage.
These are actual pictures of MY anal skin tags. These are completely untouched photos, other than cropping the images to fit better in a webpage.
I know I'm not the only one with this condition, but I AM the only one I know.
Wish me luck in finding information on removal procedures.
1 – 200 of 225 Newer› Newest»This is one of those subjects everyone is afraid & embarrassed to talk about, let alone admit they have the problem.
I just want to let other people know, that if they have the same condition, they're not alone!!
I live with these every day.
If you want to talk, or share pics, or experiences, please drop a line!
WOW!!!! that's a serious case of hangers!! I have a couple small ones but nothing like that! I don't feel so bad about mine now after I saw yours. I hope you can find an easy way to get rid of them.
Good luck.
my wife has them too. but not as bad as the ones in the pictures. She is embarrased about them but It doesn't bother me because I know a lot of people get them & it's not because your not clean or anything like that. They just happen sometimes. I don't think she would let take pictures of them and for sure not to post on the net. maybe she would though because nobody would see her face like the same as the pictures on this blog.
Thanks for bringing a "taboo" subject like this into the open. I know what you're going through & wish you the best.
I'm trying to find the best way to have mine removed too.
If I have success I'll post it here.
Thank you sooooo much.
Panama City, FL.
I've never seen anything like that before!
I feel so bad for you. I bet you get embarased by them.
I hope you find some good help.
I hope I didn't offend you from what I said, cuz I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just can't beleive how big they are.
You got some serious dangles on your ass. Your butthole looks like pussy lips.
I bet you hate those hanging from your ass!
I wouldnt put pix like that of me online if I were you cuz it would be embarising if someone saw it. Problay millions of people will see your pix & see what hangs from your butthole.
I hope I don't get any cuz it must be bad.
I can't stop looking at the pix of those. They are the most grossest thing I ever saw.
Man that looks like you sat in a wad of chewing gum!
Ok im a 22 year old female n i got bad hemmorhoids while pregnant.. a skin tab is an old hemmorhoid scar. i just had mine removed. ouch! they numb you first which burns and makes you feel like your going to puke. then snip snip off they come. now im on my 3rd day and they are painful but dealable they swell but then the dr said they will heal n be just as it was before. having a bm isnt to bad its more of sneezing or laughing that hurts. so good luck with them i say get em snipped of cuz they are something to be emberassed of.
DUDE, thank you for having the balls to post these pictures. I am so glad I found them, because my boyfriends asshole looks just like yours... I was totally convinced he had anal warts, meaning he must be gay or bi ... THANK YOU DUDE - you saved my relationship with this web site. I must go fuck my boyfriend now, and give him a rimjob lol. They're really not all that bad, and not dangerous, so don't worry... just tell girls they're skin tags... nothing embarrassing about that... I'd rather it be tags than anal warts yanno? I say get over it... your woman should love you, tags n all. xoxox thanks again.
You have done everyone with similar problems a great service. A brave move which doesn't deserve the mindless comments posted on this site from some people. We've all got bodies which sometimes don't perform perfectly.
Are you serious? Why on Earth would you post pictures like that online?
If I had those things I definitely would keep it a secret and not post pictures of them on the internet.
That is the most whacked out looking things I have ever seen! Please don't put any more up!
I commend you for doing this....I'm Female, 33yr old, I've had this myself for the last 12 years if not more, and it was a little growth, though aware of it, seemed not a big of a deal because washing up, seemed all in place and intacted.
Lately irritated in the last couple days and was slightly swollen, after looking at it, I can see a graduaual growth, not drastic, but there...however with this alerting me that it was still there, normally seems like it's inside and seems quite normal....I never had anal intercourse, I've had one partner my entire life..I am very particular about cleanliness, so I really don't think that's the issue....I'm so afraid to get it checked and more so embarrassed!!! I felt so uncomfortable even looking at it, just let alone.....Good luck to you and I pray it's noting to worry about....
The folks that has nothing good to say, the negativity.....why are you voicing yout opinion especially when you have no relation to this topic??? OR MAYBE, DO YOU?????
obviously you came here for a reason, you couldn't just stumbled upon it and why commemt??? The reason for this is to search for an answer....NO ONE IS PERFECT!!! Pretty face, beautiful heart but there's certain things beyond our controll and have no ans. for and that's why we are here seeking help....
I hope you feel better!!!!
Is there any way to take these off by yourself? I only have one at the moment, but I'm so tired of it I want to clip it off!!
I can't believe the immaturity level of some of those who have made ignorant comments. I apologize for they're stupidity. I recently started a new relationship, and had the conversation on std's. He reassured me he had nothing. Until after he said he has not had genital warts for over 10 months. WTF!?!? So I started looking to ensure he had not passed them to me, and discovered anal tags. I have not arn picture that best describe then a yours, and I thank you. But to be sure, I'm going to the doctor. Thanks again for the reassurance.
Sorry for the errors in my last comment. I'm doing it from my phone. Lol
Sorry for the errors in my last comment. I'm doing it from my phone. Lol
Thankyou for the pics, I certainly do not find it offensive, although some of the comments here are.
I see your post was a long time ago and I was wondering if you have had the Tags removed yet and if so could you keep us up to date with how you are going, mine are just as bad and I was glad to see the pics and know someone else is dealing with them too.
Many thanks
I am going to try dermisil skin tag remover....google it....I've heard it works
Thank you for posting the pics and info. I am a 40 year old female who just recently had three to appear! Not loving this at all. They can be itchy and after a b.m., you have to clean, clean, clean! I didn't know until last night when I saw your pics - what they were. Thank you so much for educating us who really needed to know.
thank you for your bravery!! i guess there are always a few a holes in the bunch but please know that your actions have and will help many!
although i only got them after i had my daughter which is 4 years now...they are much larger than yours. i am thankfull now that i know they are not somthing more serious...
i have been searching for information on how to get them removed and much of what i have found have said leave them they are harmless. well as anyone knows who has them, they may be harmless compared to hemorrhoids...but they are very much a pain maybe not physically but mentally for sure!
good luck in your search and treatment, i am planning to have them surgically removed ...i will share what i find and just maybe some pics of before and after ;)
What a wonderful thing you've done. You should be immensely proud. Would love to hear how you're coping, your original post is quite old now.
I stumbled across your post looking for feedback from people who've had theirs removed. Seems to range from 'a bit sore for a few days' to 'excruciating for three weeks!" I think it totally depends on the person and the exact size and location of the cut in the skin.
If mine developed while I was in a stable relationship, I think I would just tell my partner. I have three, which are wider than yours but not as long. Mine don't itch and are as sensitive to touch as the rest of my skin in that area, it feels no different than the smooth soft skin on my earlobe.
The problem is I'm not in a relationship, and this is the reason why. I'm a 31 year old female and, even if I do say so myself, I'm very attractive. I turn heads in the street and men ask me out all the time. But I know what the conversation will be like the first time I'm intimate with someone. They will expect me to be as flawless all over and I will be faced with anything from mild disappointment to revulsion and ignorance. Hence the research into treatment.
The first doctor I went to see was useless, didn't even look and sent me away with cream. I steeled myself and went back and saw another doctor at the same practice. She was lovely and referred me straight away. My appointment is in a couple of weeks. Sometimes just the fact that you've been back makes them take you more seriously. Remember, doctors have seen everything and all you've got is a tiny flap of normal skin. Yes it's on your bottom, yes, you'll have to take your pants off in front of someone, but it's less embarrassing than a smear test (sorry guys, no frame of reference for you!)
So to anyone who's reading this, thinking they're the only one, you're not. I have them too. I kind of wish I could find a guy with the same problem, so there would be a non-painful resolution, but I doubt that's going to happen!
Also, think about this: if you could pick a weird body part to have, you'd pick asshole, right? It's completely hidden from anyone 99.999% of the time. Some people lose their sight, or a limb, or get cancer. If this is the worst that happens to us, we're the lucky ones.
Hello I want to congratulate you for posting this very big problem with many haemorrhoids suffers. They start as haemorrhoids from poor diet and lack of fiber.
I too suffer from these dreaded things and searching for an answer on how to have them removed was what let me to your blog.
My problem is not only the tags but the humiliation of having them. When I bend over in the shower at the gym to grab the shampoo or soap sitting on the floor I know I am conscious of this problem I hope no one sees.
I never Feel Clean at all only if I shower after a BM (Bowel Movement). I have tried creams, suppositories, Prep H and the Hydrocortisone creams they are a temporary fix and these things never disappear.
I feel for you man and you are very brave to be so kind to share this with us on the net. That guy was right if you come to this web site it must because you suffer from a similar problem. You can't hide that fact.
I am just so embarrassed if I have to have a physical. One doctor’s face had a very disturbed look after a physical and the Glove trick. (Point that finger due south and Head north) Ouch. any way. You got the meaning.
So apart from being embarrassed as I said it is so difficult to do a proper clean up so I began carrying packets of baby wipes. Now I am so fed up I have made an appointment to see a surgeon.
I read that you can have them Lazered off and that it is quite successful. But seems there is almost no scaring. But it is such an sensitive area and I am afraid of the outcome.
My Question to you is Have you had yours taken care of and what procedure did you use?
Thanks to all of you who have written me by email & or left comments on the board. :)
(Although, some comments are a bit childish, but I'll leave them up nonetheless.)
Anyway, I still have my tags, and they continue to grow over time.
I just had a physical check up, including rectal/prostate exam & my doctor didn't bat an eye when she saw them.... (yes, I said SHE) LOL!
She made no comments & had no concerns.... so I know they're fairly common, even if mine are more prominent than other people's may be.
Yes, they could be embarrassing if someone "new" were to see them, but luckily I don't have to worry about that at the moment.
I do sometimes imagine how much easier it would be if I were with someone who also had the same condition.... We could actually laugh about them & be completely comfortable & at ease around each other.
Heck, we could even have competitions to see whose are "bigger"... LOL!!! :o)
Well, that might be going overboard, but oh well.
The thing is, I'm starting to get used to them more & more every day. (I'm not sure if that's good or bad....?)
Either way, I'm not worried about them. Nor am I embarrassed if a doctor sees them.
They're just part of who I am & that's that. (But someday...... I might be able to say goodbye to them!)
I am another person affected by anal skin tags.
I am female and like the other lady who replied I am attractive, my butt is not tho!!!
like everyone says, your asshole is not on show so no one knows.
I have just started seeing someone so I have sort of tried to prepare him by saying my bits look like a train wreck, waiting to possibly be rejected is hell.
Its stupid!!! I am slim and attractive and if someone is shallow enough to dump me because my chocolate starfish looks deformed then they are not worth my time.
embarrassedbytags thankyou so much for putting your pictures up.
I will keep an eye on your blog to see how you get on. xxx
thanks for posting the pictures..now i know that mine is not hemorroids..is just skin tags..nothinh to worry isnt it?.. thanks again..
Thanks so much for that, and shame on those idiots who made stupid comments about a condition affecting heaps of people, including me. It seems the people who make those comments have nothing better to do with their lives...get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I have one, and it developed after I had my last child and since surgery to remove (ironically) a haemorrhoid (sp?). A complication after my surgery and after excrutiating pain, the stitches came away...actually up my bum, and i'm left with the tag which seems to have a vein in it so removal might be somewhat more uncomfortable, though no more than the first procedure I'm sure. I want it removed for several reasons...hygiene (not only now but when I'm older), i always have skiddies in my knickers!!! Secondly, they rub on my g string when I'm wearing one, and thirdly, my husband sees in during um, well, marital relations. Unsure what to do, but I am sure I won't grow to accept it, and well done to you for accepting them. Proud of you for being so open, thanks you've helped. xx
I had a skin tag on my chin, I attended the doctor and had it burned off in about 30 seconds. it has not returned. I suppose this is the benefit of our NHS, they actually look after you regardless of cost.
I just wanted to let you know. I too am young and have this condition. It's called condyloma and is caused by HPV. The easiest thing is have your doctor cryofreeze them. Then get a prescription of podophyllin. Seems to have worked for me. And I work in a doctors office, just so you know.
cont.....They aren't exactly skin tags, they are genital warts. They are sexually transmitted. Mine looked just like yours in your pics.
I am lost for words and it seems that I am not the only one with these embarrasing things tags in the butt but not so much like yours. Hope you can find a solution for this, wether medication surgery or some ways to prevent more of these things. I'm looking for answers becouse this is driving me crazy
I have a couple of skin tags and I have just arranged to have them surgically removed. My consultant has said that it has to be done under general anaesthetic and the cost is around £1400. I've had them for about five years and it's uncomfortable, unpleasant and sometimes embarrassing. Im so happy to be having them taken off, I seem to spend my life trying to keep clean and even had a bidet installed to make life easier. My sympathies are shared with everyone in the same boat. Skin tags are the residual skin left from having haemorrhoids. The NHS won't operate as its considered cosmetic which is why I'm paying privately. Not sure how things work in the US though so can't comment on whether they consider it cosmetic.
i have one. plan to have it removed by nitrogen liquid.
skin tags are much better than anal warts or hemorrhoids.
I've got the same deal going on I am male never had anal sex but have had hemorrhoids since I was a kid. When I was in my early twenties I had 1 but now many years later I have more similar to your pics. I am reasonably attractive guy and am concerned at how they look and always dealing with the cleanliness of it all. Some say don't bother removing, but I say I really rather not have to deal with it any longer so I hope to find out the best way to go about it Cryo (freezing them off) sounds ok to me. Thanks for the post. Good luck
I have just had mine lasered off today. The prick and burning sensation from the local anesthetic was the worst part. The second was probably the humiliation I felt. Of course they are just doctors and nurses and saw a lot worse than that while I was giving birth (which is how I ended up in this predicament to begin with).
My doctor didn't give me any prescriptions, just told me to take OTC Extra Strength Tylenol, apply aquaphora to it as needed, and use my ice pack. Tomorrow I am to do a sitz bath twice a day. So it mainly just burns down there a lot.
As for insurance purposes, I told my doctor when I first went to see him that it was in no way painful and really not that bothersome but that I just really didn't want it to be there anymore. He then fed me my line: "So you want it removed for hygienic reasons?" Yes, of course it was harder to clean after a bm now, I just hadn't thought to say that. I heard him note that reason as he spoke into his recorder and that is how I assume the insurance justified it.
I knew that my GF had just one but surprisingly, i just discovered that a few more have grown around the main tag.... im sure there is no way in hell that she can get them removed and its mainly due to the embarrassment of having them.... and from my part of the world, its a taboo... so she prolly never can get them removed
Sweet pics dude
I'm 24 years old and a female I have one too :-( my boyfriend doesn't know about it because I push it in with Vaseline before we are intimate. It will usually stay in Place until I have a BM. I'm going to set an apt with a doctor and find out if I can get them removed. I'm going to try a product called dermasil they say it removes them. Good luck to anyone who has this especially a girl it can really make you self conscious.
For all you sufferers, please look here
I am currently trying Apple cider vinegar and will see how that works out.
I have one about the size of a small pea, just started seeing a guy...do u think he will notice when we get intimate??
I am trying the apple cider vinegar too at the moment, been doing it for 2 days so far and all it has done is make it swell :(
I have one about the size of a small pea, just started seeing a guy...do u think he will notice when we get intimate??
I am trying the apple cider vinegar too at the moment, been doing it for 2 days so far and all it has done is make it swell :(
I just had one inch long anal skin tag removed Wednesday by a colorectal surgeon. The actual procedure was not too bad. The needle hurts, the lidocaine burns, and the final cut was painful, but she was done in 30 seconds total. I have had only very little blood-spotting. I had no pain on the surgery day post-surgery. I did have severe pain the next morning because of swelling, but the ketorolac (pain med) has helped a lot. I am on day 3 and swelling is almost gone and very little pain.
Is it necessary to remove it ?
I jus hav one..not bothering me..its not painful or itchy..can i just ignore it??
I also symphatize about your condition also because I have them too for less then 1 year. I have had anal sex, I m a woman pretty often for about half an year because of that I ve developed internal hemorroyds from which i m cured but also I remained with anal skin tags :( maybe less then half of yours but enough embarrasing. I have been to many docs to have it removed, I m from europe but almost all said it s a bad idea & better to stay with it as it s not that big, only 1 said she wants to remove it but don t know if she is such a good doctor she s the 1 who removed my internal hemoroyds too, she only told me it would be very painfull, which i can imagine, but not risky , don t know whom to trust . For me sex life is extremly important though I gave up anal sex maybe forever but still I want my beautifull ass again :(.Hope u ll find solution 4 urs, In USA u should have better doctors then here. Keep informing us about your condition & if u have the surgery.
Evn my doc told me to jus ignore it until its bothering me.because i've been having it for six years now.
So im jus gonna ignore it.nd i suggest you to jus leav it if its not bothering you.
Anyone tried dermisil? reviews online aren't great!
Anyone tried dermisil? reviews online aren't great!
I hate mine which are like having a second mini pussy ( especially as very close to my first one !) and it makes me feel really conscious during sex but like the other post - I use Vaseline to deal with it temporarily. WOuld love a permanent solution - I have been told by a medical expert to leave them alone and not remove them as it could lead to more scarring and it could be uglier.
I feel your pain. I have them too..Please take my advice and go to skin tag-s.com. I'm trying this myself now. Right now!! It's been three to four days now and it's working. Slight painful burning still, but I don't care! Shit I'll even put it on you myself. I'm shedding skin now and using neosporin ointment, and peroxide wash straight.. I know this is working. I'm seeing results already. I really want to help you. I do, so lets do it together. I know how you feel. Well, good luck and do it!
Hey it's me again, vicky. I want to keep you posted. It's been 2weeks since i've used the product. Skin tag removal.. It has improved slightly. Although it shrunk my skin tags they have not fallen off.I think it is the ointment.. When used on the outside of the body its able to dry up faster and fall off. But! They are much smaller so there is hope. I made an appt. with an surgeon and see what he say's. Im so impatient. That I think it's time to reclaim my asshole again,and go for the laser removal. Im tired of this shit.. I just want to look normal again. My husband loves me and does'nt mind it. He says leave it alone. Your fine the way I am. Yes he's a wonderful man. I'll keep you posted. Fuck it! Im doing the laser..
Hi there. I'm a 23 year old guy who has anal sex from time to time. I never had hemorrhoids until right before a lot of traveling I did. I don't think I lubricated enough and therefore got a cut/fissure that I think eventually turned into 2-3 small sunflower seed sized internal tags.
I currently don't have health insurance and ya I guess I'm wondering what the most successful methods have been to getting them removed. Like most have you have agreed, they don't provide too much discomfort (except for after occasional bowel movements). As I am gay and do have anal sex every now and then-I'm extremely embarrassed by how they look and by future partners not believing me or thinking they are warts.
I hope to get them checked out by a doctor as soon as I get health insurance, but was wondering if anyone gets them frozen off if they wouldn't mind sharing their experience and how they healed after. That's the only concern I have had from what I read-that sometimes they don't heal correctly after using liquid nitrogen and some people have said that they were maybe even worse off after doing so.
Lastly, wanted to also commend the guy for writing the original post. You've definitely provided a very useful forum for us 50+ people!
Thanks Vicky ! ALways good to hear from another sufferer and very bizarrely would love to know what yours are like compared to mine !! guess we'll never know exactly ! PLEASE let me know if you get to a solution and especially laser alternative as thats something Ive considered as just want a sexy bum again !
what an arsehole thing to say!! I'd be more embarrassed about your spelling than his butt. At least he can hide them!!!! Go get an education!! For your information they are easily removed in day surgery they just use a laser like instrument to burn them off. ( reduces bleeding) recovery is a week or two of a graze like sore area and that's about it!!!!
Hi everyone, I'm a female who had suffered from anal skin tags after the birth of my daughter. I was always embarrassed about them and felt concious of not being able to clean myself fully. I went to the doctors and explained how I felt and was referred ti the hospital. Its about 3 years since I had them removed and so glad I did. It's easy n pretty pain free, the only issue I had was scared of going to the toilet after....didn't go for a couple of days but once I went, the paranoia went and I was fine.....take it from me, if they bother u, go to the docs n get them removed...you won't regret it. And by the way, anal skin tags are alot more common than u think....don't suffer, see your doctor.
Hi, thanks for posting this! I've had one that has grown bigger over the years and I've recently been trying to do something about it. (Because I'd like to have a sex life again!)
I've tried tea tree oil, and it aggravated the whole anal area. It itched really bad, and I had to put corn starch there to clear up that problem. I've tried clear nail polish, same result. I tried to tie it off, and damn that hurt. Had to cut the dental floss and let my butt rest for a week. Looks like I didn't get the floss down to the base and, well, it just went badly. I've tried Compound W freeze away (I think that's what it's called) and it did shrink a little, but not anything impressive. I'm now trying a mixture of castor oil and baking soda, applied 3 times a day. I read that you're supposed to cover it after, so I'm using cling wrap. It burns a little on the tag, but the rest of that area doesn't seem to be bothered by it. From what I've read, it can take a couple of weeks to fall off, but I don't think they are talking about ones that are the size of a small grape. I think I'll also try the Compound W once a week as an extra punch.
I really hope this works. I'm tired of being embarrassed and feeling dirty after I go to the bathroom. (And then there's the sex life part as well)
I'll try and re-post with the results. Wish me luck!
Hey! Me Vicky again. Went to the docters and had a chat and exam. Im going for it! Surgery that is. Although I used a skin tag remover it did'nt really perform. It shrunk a bit but did'nt fall off. So this is the last solution. I'll let you guys know the outcome. I hope I do not look worse. This is going to happen real soon. Say GOODBYE and I quote to the "The Mini Pussy." Wish me luck!
I was reading online about skin tag removal as I have a large perianal one. It hangs from a stalk, not a stem. I have read a lot of people with skin tags large and similar to mine that have successfully removed them by tying them off with very small rubberbands, like the kind you use in hair or braces. Some have had great success with apple cider vinegar.
I have had two rubber bands on mine for 24 hours, it wasn't bad or uncomfortable to put the bands on, just kind of a dull pain like a tootheache. I figured that since my body heat loosens the elastic I should add two more today. That shit hurt like a fucking mother fucker for one hour... then it was fine. honestly I don't care I want the sucker gone. It's turned kind of bluish and tomorrow i'll swab a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and secure it to my asshole.
as a female this area is more visable when i'm intimate and it's embarrassing but honestly, the person that loves me does not care about my fucking skin tag.
I'm going to beat this thing.
You've got a big dick and a super cute butt... do not be discouraged by haters.
I have had anal skin tags since the birth of my daughter 17 years ago and it has affected my sex life even though I'm married. After speaking to a surgeon and being quoted £3,500, I decided to google how to get rid of them and have used floss tied very tightly around each one to try to get rid of them today! It was very fiddly and after a lot of trial and error I found the best way was to crouch down over a mirror. I have sprayed germaloid on the area and have taken ibroprofen as it is quite painful. I intend to replace floss and make floss tighter every day until they drop off which should be 3-10 days. I will let u all know how I get on.
Yes, I am a woman who is 50 and they are not the best to look at. My OB/GYN always says they are battle scars of pregnancy!. They embarrass me during sex, but I feel fine and they don't bother either of us. I don't think I can deal with surgery so I think I will just leave them be. Glad to see I am not alone. Thanks for the post.
Why are you looking up anal tags then...???? Why on earth would you be on this website dipshit.
Hi everybody, it's me Vicky. I'm happy to let all of you know that I had the surgery to get my tags removed. It's the third day and I'm fine. Really it's not that bad.I thought it would be awful. Really it's not that painful. For women it's like an episiotomy. You guys can do this and be free!!! I have no visible scarring, I look and feel great!! I'm so happy I did it. I want tou guys to be happy too. So do'nt wait anylonger find that Dr. I'm telling you, you wo'nt regret it.. To the brave man whom shared his story Thank You you gave me the power to do something about it. Well good luck and be free..
I think I have one small one the wife will be taking a look at
I have a small butt and hole but somtimes if I tickle THE one tag I have it it feels VERY GOOD. Maybe I have clit down there... If so Awesome...I love it and if my likes it too then no problem. The one I have is car small
Too bad I can't post a pic
Nice ass and balls if that makes u feel better.
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Hi, thanks for sharing...I am 31, female & I think I may have one although looks a bit different..I am supposed to have a pap in a few months so I might ask him...just so embarrasing...when I have sex with my bf I make sure the lights are out and I have never pointed it out to him and dont think he has really noticed...Thanks again!
Hi. I'm a femal, one of these flaps of skin showed up after my pregnancy. No pain or sensation. I have found after living with this for 8 years that a bidet in the bathroom is priceless! It's so helpful for getting a good clean after a bowel movement. The bidets that attach to your toilet work well as well as the traditional bidets you see if home outside of the US. The attachable brand I have now is called a Biffy, www.biffy.com.
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My wife has them and I am scared to bring them up to her. I want her to get them removed but I got to let her know there a problem for me. I'm not for sure if she knows she has anal tags. When we have sex there a distraction for me. She is perfect except for the anal tags. Should I mention I want them removed to her
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Specially for Vicky from me who coined the phrase " mini pussy " - how is it going post-surgery ? I have tried cider vinegar and witch hazel and nothing has worked . My consultant has said the procedure is very uncomfortable afterwards AND that it often leaves a worse scar . How bad were yours ? more than one ?
I am just in a new relationship and I just hate the idea of him seeing them but he is going to at sometime !!
It's me Vicky, I just love that you guy's noticed me.. I truly care about people who suffer from this. I can't stress it enough to go see a Doctor cause really that's the worst part. Post Surg. is fine don't worry, and about the scars neosporine does the trick and being clean. To the man who can't seem to tell his wife, Tell her how you feel, but be very gentle with the words you choose. I'm sure she knows already. Make her know that you love her very much but that you have a suggestion. She'll have a better lovemaking exp., You just want to see her just a little more perfect. She'll like that . Then take her to the Dr's. People stop being so bashful and get this done. I'm so happy. It's not the way it was when I was seventeen, but a huge improvement. I wan't to read success comments. Be PROACTIVE.
Oh, to anonymous on Feb. 13. I was totally fine after surg. Yeah there's some degree of pain but not bad I was able to walk around and sit for short periods of time. Listen you are going to be so happy that it is done That you'll deal with anything. I had two not too big but they were there, Now ,I'm glad they are gone. No scars looks pretty normal. Fuck your consultant he doesn't know how you feel I do! I know, you should go for it. You are not going for heart surg. It's just skin. Don't be afraid. New Boyfriend great, I know the position your in about him seeing it. I'm married my husband didn't mind love him for that. I'm sure he's happy about the outcome, and yours will be too. But don't do it for him do it for yourself.. P.s. Did I qoute you "minipussy" Loved it, nailed it. I felt the same way.. Read about you soon..
Vicky.. what surgery did you have done? Thanks!
I went to see a Colo-rectal surgeon General and Laparoscopic. Your best bet. They will fix it. If you live in the Flushing Ny area see Doctor Howard I Tiszenkel. He's very good. He's located, New York Hospital of Queens. Make an appt. ASAP. 718-445-0220.
Sorry, really didn't answer the question. I guess it was laser cause I didn't have much pain after. All I know is that they knocked me out,I woke up drowsy but after an hour, I walked out the hospital. Felt discomfort for about three days. Not bad at all. Had ben given painkillers which you won't need after two days.
To all those people leaving negative comments and saying how disgusting it is, seriously, grow up what are you 6 years old! Thankyou to the guy posting this, I have had a singular, in perspective small tag that has irritated me on and off for the past year and am grateful that you have posted this to show I'm not th only one and to help me to gte a better understanding of my condition good work and good luck!
It is VERY insensitive and hurtful to say that someones skintags...their embarassing unwanted condition...is gross. I for one am very pleased that someone was brave enough...braver than me...to post those pics as i have a skin tag too and was.'t sure whstber it was a fissure,hemmaroid etc or whT to do....now,seeing these i know its def a tag and easier to deal with apparently than a fissure. Im going to the doctors next week to see if i can get it removed after reading about vicki's successful laser surgery. Its given me strength and confidence to deal with it...so thankyou!
I commend you for posting these pics! It will help others who have this problem! And of those who are going to be rude and poke fun! I hope Karma get's u in the ass!!! ( pun intended!) !!!!!!
I made an appt with dr.Tiszenkel. Just wanted to know how long was the recovery
I made an appt with dr.Tiszenkel. Just wanted to know how long was the recovery
I made an appt with dr.Tiszenkel. Just wanted to know how long was the recovery
I commented about 6 months ago I am the 24 year old female with skin tags... I went to the doctor and it turned out to be an external hemorrhoid but since I had it since I was in the 3rd grade it turned into dead tissue not really a hemorrhoid i forgot the medical term he used for it.. I got a hemorrhoidectomy and shortly after my surgery (which was an extremely painful recovery btw) got a couple of skin tags.. so now im officially in the Anal Skin Tag Club :)I'm going to look into getting these removed but im a lil hesitant to do so because I heard that more can grow back theres about 3 lil ones right now...so idk if I should risk it.
I just commented above guys if you really want to get these removed its not expensive at all go to a dermatologist its like 45 dollars! call and ask before setting an appointment if they remove anal skin tags thats what I did but it ended up being a hemorrihoid in my case...
guys before going to a surgeon go to a dermatologist if its small enough they can burn or freeze it off! if not they can refer you to a surgeon it will save you loads of money!!
Hey it's me vicky. Recovery was about a good week. But after surgery hardly any pain. They'll give you painkillers which work very well. After three days I was fine. Really it's not that bad. You'll be fine and glad that those skin tags are gone. Better sex people. Tell Dr. T. I said Hi.
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Thanks for replying. Def looking forward to see DR. T. Quick question- how many skin tags did you have or how big was it?
I had two one like small grape size and the other was size of a pea. It just skin get rid of it. Recovery not bad at all and no scars it lookes normal Good luck w/the surg. You'll be fine and very happy that your free of them. If I can do it so can you.. Oh yeah get a sitz bowl that helps. Its bowl you place over the toilet. Seat up first fill it up with warm water and soak your butt in it. Helps with healing. and get neosporin or the spray type. You can even shower to keep it clean thats even better but still use neosporin help prevent scarring. One week you'll be ok. Happy that you took charge, Good luck Dr T was sent from heaven.
Hi there, just wanted to say, I liked this article.
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Yeah i have 2 same size as the ones you had. Thank you for taking the time to reply and for your advice. I really appreciate it. Im def looking forward to being free from these things. Thaaaank you sooo much!
I too have this problem, and it has embarassed me for years. I'm now almost sixty five, and unless I need to have them removed probably will not. I like you fear the outcome of such a procedure. It's comforting to know I'm not the only person with this problem. FYI, they started when I was in my late thirties. They didn't get bad till recently though.
I just had mine snipped off 3 days ago. Owwie. I had FIVE of them :( :( :( :( :( I'm 30 yr old female. Fit, attractive and healthy otherwise. Mine had started growing gradually since I was 18.
They've always irritated me off and on. Not just emotionally but physically... they're a hassle. They're not hygienic and can be pretty uncomfortable form time to time.
I tried seeing a doctor about it a few yrs ago, but she said they would just come back and dismissed me as well. I thought that was bull, did some research and didnt really get the balls to have them removed until now.
The procedure was supper quick. The numbing shots hurt the worst, but I have a high tolerance to pain. My doc numbed me up and went to work. Then cauterized the open areas with an acid to stop the bleeding. He prescribed hydrocodone with acetominophen, sitz baths a few times per day and a high fiber diet. Immediately after the surgery I was completely fine. Got myself to my car and on my way home.
I wont lie... shortly after the numbing wore off was the worst pain of my life. Have someone take you home. If you can, have your doctor call in your pain scrip to your local pharmacy.
I was driving myself and stuck in traffic with gaping skin wounds all around my anus and no pain killers.
It was the longest two hrs of my life getting to the pharmacy, waiting for the scrip to be filled, taking my first dose and waiting for it to kick in.
I think I had just as many as in the pictures posted, so having them all removed at once is especially painful. I'm only 3 days into recovery, it is still a bit painful and uncomfortable. I've had a couple BMs that were fine, nothing notably more painful than how my poor bum has been feeling these days anyways. It helps that I've been eating as much fiber rich foods as possible and drinking lots of water. I've also been taking a stool softener daily. I've been keeping the area clean and covered with fresh sterile gauze. My doctor and his nurse both said ointments may just irritate it and instructed me to just keep it clean and take regular sitz baths, which I've been doing.
So far the area is still as swollen as it was a couple days ago. I've got a lot of healing to do and am nervous about infection, so I'm trying to keep on top of the cleanliness.
Along with a high fiber diet, I've also been taking grape seed extract and anything high in antioxidants to reduce the inflammation
Another thing... when I first had my pain scrip filled, I popped those pills like it was going out of style and forgot to take them with food. PLEASE remember to take painkillers with food. My stomach has been wrecked the last couple days from the hydrocodone and acetaminophen taken without food. I'm finally just starting to feel better today. lol I don't need more pain and discomfort in my life right now!
Hi All (especially to VICKY),
Thank you so much for this blog. It has helped reassure me about the pain that I have to go through post-surgery and the effectiveness of the procedure. I have one peanut shaped skin tag since I was about 12 as an effect of difficult BM. It never bothered me much except cosmetic reasons and having to deal with "something small but annoying obstructing my anus". I am now 39 and finally decided to get rid of it. I have heard a lot of negative comments about the surgery and the surgeon is not very helpful in reassuring me about the effects and post-surgery "what-to-expect". I do hope I end up well like VICKY here and pray hard to recover within 2 weeks. I am travelling two weeks after my surgery. Also I hope I will not develop any more new scars. Any tips on how to avoid that, please share it. This is the best blog ever.
Hello everybody, feeling great! To anon. april 8 Just make sure it's clear that it is an anal skin tag not and I repeat not a hemorrhoidectomy these are two different things ok. I had a hemorrhoidectomy and the recovery is fkn. painful! I thought I was going to die when I woke up. So be clear. Anal skin tags are just skin. So recovery should'nt be that painful. Like said before, I had mine removed and by 3-7 days I was fine. Please do'nt be worried, It is going to be fine and that goes to all of you. Listen my sex life, boom through the roof. So come on people stop wasting time. You could also freeze them off but, you get what you pay for. Plus that might also leave a nasty scar and the poss. of them growing back bigger.. The cleanest way to go is minor surgery. Never go the cheap way when it comes to your body! There is no reason why you have to live like this. Yes, it has made me more confident. All that kinky stuff you want to do but you do not do because of your anal skin tags is not a way to live. There's more to it than a better sex life, you just start to feel like who you were before you had anal skin tags. Another fact is that you are not thinking about it anymore, you are free. I will pray for you and others. Wish youselves well, it will promote a quiker healing.
Oh yeah one more thng to anon.April 8, to prevent scarring use neosporin ointment, sitz bowl, and keeping that area very clean, You should also use a Miralax so you dont have to push BM. Do not wait anymore. Get rid of them!
to most of the ANONYMOUS posts "your comments are tactless, tasteless and uneducated, I HOPE you get hangers 10 X worse for your rude comments. (you know who you are!)
Thanks for sharing such a personal issue which a lot of us suffer from.
What kind of a doctor was it?
Hi i went for my haemorrhoidectomy last week and i did not feel pain at all. i am on the road to recovery. i think it was worth it. I waited for more than 10 years listening to people tell me how painful it is. I am so glad it's over and done with.
Thank you Steve. Want to know Dr., check above posts by me.
To pain in the ass, I am so happy for you. See don't you feel better. It is over.
So happy to have found this page, thanks for sharing your experience and photos in such a candid manner.
I've recently developed anal skin tag, the first started growing on inside of anus and now actually protrudes just outside the anus... i also have three forming just outside the anus... at first, i freaked out, thinking 'cancer'.. but a doctor took one look and said no, it's just skin..he suggested no treatment was necessary until such a time that they became uncomfortable.
Thing is, I hate seeing them, and sexually it's knocking my confidence. So I'm thinking about treatments, but hear horror stories about pain after removal.
I have also read that apple cider vinegar, applies regularly over a period of 2-4 weeks can remove them. I will give it a try. In my mind, I still keep thinking 'maybe the doc got it wrong', as mine seems to grow quite fast... over a period of about 3-4 months. But I guess I have to trust him on this, that they are just benign skin tags.
Thanks again for sharing.
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Wow, I'm so glad I found this blog entry. I know it's old but it really helped reassure me that the gross dangler hitching a ride on my ring is a skin tag not a haemorrhoid or anything else. I have decided to take things into my own hands and strangle it with a rubber band. It's quite big and looks like one of yours. So far I've had a tight band on for about 15 hours and it's uncomfortable but not extremely painful. I'll update and let you know how it goes.
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It is truly pitiful when idiots like this makes comments the way this idiot did. This person must have something going on with is butt that they are concerned about to even be on this blog. My prayers are with you sir. I have something like this come up on me. I was concerned that it might be a wart cuz I have had HPV b4. But looking at pics of warts mine don't look like them but it does look like the skin tag & I only have 1. It don't hurt but it does itch though & that is a question I wanted to ask you does yours itch? Plz email me at angi33ddi3@gmail.com thank you & May GOD BLESS you.
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Hi thank u for sharing ur problem atleast others can see there's people out there with the same problem, I have the same problem and am actually sitting thinking to get guts to actually get it removed. Did u removr it yet? I wish someon can tell me the process and how long it takes to heal do they use stiches?
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I want to thank you for posting the pics, even though I think it's kind of an outlandish thing for a person to do. I certainly wouldn't have the guts to put it out there, myself. I know too many people who would be judgmental. I have been scouring pictures online of anal skin tags and anal warts and even piles (hemorrhoids) trying to find something that resembles what I have. I went to the GP hoping he'd remove them, but he said it looked more like a warty growth than skin tags, so I have been referred to a specialist. I am praying that the last guy I was with didn't leave me one last parting "gift." I have had a hemorrhoid for a while which didn't cause me too many problems, but lately my lifestyle has become more sedentary and I have had issues with frequent bouts of diarrhea or constipation, the latter sometimes in conjunction with some extremely hard stools. I have read over and over that anal skin tags are frequently misdiagnosed as anal warts, and that they often can occur as a result of hemorrhoids. I believe that I have skin tags, as well as a prolapsed hemorrhoid, because of all the images I have seen, but hearing the GP say it looks warty certainly has me freaked out about what the specialist will say. Seeing pics like yours has helped to alleviate some of my fears. If you (or any who read this comment) are a praying person, please pray that the news I get on Wednesday is much less scary than the worst-case scenario that I can't help but keep considering as a possibility. Thank you, and good luck on your end. (No pun intended.)
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Hi my name is Jane I had two of these tags around my anus! Not massive but hated them after a ex boyfriend pointed them out (I just thought my bottom was normal). Today I had them removed in UK, I was put asleep and given morphine after. I am now home and as of yet no pain but am expecting it. I have also not looked yet due to padding and I might try not to look for a few days. I nearly backed out of this op due to reading a few horror stories online so thank you vickey
I have these but I have had all manner of clear STI checks. Pretty sure the two aren't related in all cases. Especially since I've had them since before I became sexually active.
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i just came back from the doctor about one tiny tag that I've had since I was in my 20's. he said mine is not big to remove but just the thought of knowing I got it there is driving me crazy and mad. considering travel to my native country where I know they will remove it as long as you can afford it
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male, 19
just wanted to say i've got the same problem
i looked in the mirror and was like oh what is that
i think it's alright for us to be embarrassed about this problem, but knowing that there are other people with the same issue should reassure us
and it must be pretty common, considering the amount of comments there are :)
i shall be waiting on an at home solution because i don't think this is a problem that will affect me much yet, but to those who are getting surgery and whatnot--good luck, we're all there together in spirit! (at the time of surgery and recovery, i guess haha)
Hi it's Jane 6 days post surgery, I had two which were snipped off then cauterised. I am very swollen and am leaking small amounts of blood. I went back to my desk job straight away tho so it is bearable, I am just worried about the blood loss and how would I know if I had an infection? I really hope having them removed was for the best as they were not causing me any problems, will keep you posted
Any success with your tags? Mine are much worse than yours, itch like crazy, and periodically bleed when I wipe. Quite painful, and embarrassing when I need to scratch in public. Been dealing with them for over 10 years, I'm only 29. Want them gone badly!!!!!
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i wish i'd have found this topic yesterday, i wouldn't have been so scared having my op today. I'm 42 year old woman and had mine removed about 9hrs ago. I'm in no pain at all at the moment but am a little scared to go to the toilet. Any way thank you for sharing i feel a little easier now knowing it will pass.
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I had one of these removed under ga yesterday, as well as two internal piles banded. I feel like I have an even bugger lump than there was to begin with. Is this normal? Will it go down as it heals?
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Hey everyone!
So I also have this problem, I only have one skin tag but I still find it super embarrassing. I think I've had it for quite awhile but never really gave it much thought until the other day when it finally clicked, and I was like "hey wait a minute... What on earth is that thing??" I did a bit of research, and read that you can buy kits to shrink them or you can also get a piece of thread or dental floss and tie it tightly around them and they just fall off within 5 days, does anyone know if this works? I would rather not have to see the doctor over this if I can do it at home
Thank you everyone for posting! It's good too know I'm not alone
Easy fix tie a string around the base of them individually then they fall off
Skin tags are a result of a fisher within the anus and the tag grows as a result your body trying to protect the fisher. My colerectal doctor said they are easy to remove and it can be done in the doctors office. Note: You shouldn't trya and have it removed until your fisher heals. Soak in the tub 5mins everyday and you shou get stool softeners and fiber.
Sorry. On my phone. Forgive the typos.
I finally had the guts to go to a surgeon today and he told me about a new technology called PPH and iam booked for Tuesday to have it done. Also called prolapse of rectum, they staple all the loose skin back inside, excess skin will be cut off. This is far less painful than having it cut off and stitched on outside cos the skin inside is less sensitive. Iam so excited to finally do something about it - will let you know results shortly.
Hi there i am a male, i have been having alot of anal sex over the past 6 months and recently a couple of tags like a pair of vagina lips appeared on the outer part of my butt, i have had a couple of comments from guys ive been with saying they think it really turns them on and adds sensation during intercourse, seen as alot of doctors say just leave them because they are harmless i am quite happy to leave mine and my sex life is great (and safe of course)
Have you tried this yet? Did it work?
Dudes. I'm in a hot Epsom salt bath because my anus is on fire and I googled photos of hemorrhoids and I was like "that is not what my ass looks like" and then I found this!! I have them too and they are GIANT! I think they're from my first baby when I tore really really badly. They always always always get inflamed this time of year and they itch like a mother fucker. I hate them. Epsom salt baths and witch hazel calm them down. Now I realize why creams and stuff never worked.
I have a huge one hanging down from a healed thrombosed hemorrhoid. mine keeps retacting back inside which causes it to get huge and inflamed. ITs too big and stretched to fit inside anymore so the sphincter squeezes it and it gets big. it only is relieve by defecation when it comes out again. it sux.
I'm currently in terrible pain, i've been trying everything in the last two weeks to get rid of my anal skin tag. I'm a 22 year old female and have been aware of my skin tag since i was 17. The doctor told me it was because i had a fissure a while ago and the crack in the skin formed a tag. He also told me to ignore it. For years i've been self conscious about my bum and always made sure to choose sex positions that will not make me feel exposed.
So recently, my boyfriend mentioned that I should get it removed and it made me really self-conscious, there's nothing more i want in the world than just a smooth buttcrack :(
And so I started with buying TEA TREE OIL, i used it as directed, with a q tip covering it with a cotton ball and a bandaid, it did dry out the tag a tiny bit, but for the most part it just burnt the crap out of my skin all around the anus as well as some closer to my vagina, as it secreted overnight and i woke up with burns.
3 days later, with nothing but burns in my butt, i decided to use DENTAL FLOSS METHOD, i popped an acrobatic move and tied the bastard as hard as i could. It was so painful that i could see stars, I was pale and felt like i was gonna pass out. for the next 3 days the pain was so intense, that any cough or laugh or movement brought me nothing but agony. not to mention that the skin completely peeled and it was just exposed flesh, it was a little dark at the bottom, but the floss kept sliding off after showers and BM's. I retied it a few more times until I gave up, it was too painful and just wouldn't hold.
SOOOOO, today I went to Rite Aid and bought COMPOUND W Freeze Off. I followed the directions, covering the rest of my skin with a circular piece of carton, while holding down the freezing applicator. From what I've read, it may or may not blister, takes up to 2 weeks to fall off and may need to be reapplied. We'll see if this works.
I'm so desperate to just feel sexy again, although nobody but my bf sees it, it would give me much more confidence as a woman to finally get rid of this thing.
Arrrggh. I've got Calmol, Prep H, Tucks, Cortaid.
Next stop the Dr.
Cycling didn't help :(
I have had anal tags for years since childbirth...although I did not know what they were until I plucked up the courage to visit my doctor earlier this year. I now wish I had gone years ago as I had nothing to be embarrassed about. I have been referred to a consultant and the tags are being removed in a couple of weeks. I know there will be short term pain and discomfort but I am prepared for that. Over the years they have caused discomfort when swollen and now its difficult to keep clean. They have also impacted upon my sex life although my husband isn't bothered by them. I will let you know how I get on post op...by the way the man who posted pics in original post...well done...you will help alot of people.
Hi well done to the original posting, and all the other sufferers.
Im female 49 have had a couple of children. Ive had 4 big anal tags for about 10 years and I hate them.
There is a difference between skin tags and anal tags. Skin tags look like sunvlower seeds, and anal tags are a lot bigger and thicker. My 4 varied in size between 2cm and 4cm.
They made me conscious when being intimate with my husband, though he never mentioned them.
I decided to go tothe drs, whuch I did.
By doing this I had them removed on 4 sept. The first 2 days where fine.... but I was not prescribedstool siftening medicine.. so I think I ripped straining.. ihave no sticthes and op was done under ga. Im in agonyitsnow day6 and I cant walk properly ut hurts tohave a bm. And the bruising is huge...it looks worse now than before im very depressed. I will post again in a ciuple of days and let you know how im getting on.
I actually just got a small one removed last week that I got from hemroids from giving birth. its very easy to get rid off doc can just burn them off takes about 20mins but the recovery time is HORRIABLE, I got mine which was 1 small one removed 7 days ago and im still in extreme pain. started on vicdion and litacane to numb the area that wasn't strong enough now on both plus perks and I still feel pain with liquid BMs. so I guess it u wanna go thro atleast 3weeks of extreme pain and no sex for like a month, get em removed...I just felt uncomfortable with how it looked...but im not sure if it was worth the bother/pain for almost a month...
I too have the same condition and mine is accompanied with an anal fissure and it real hurts/pains when i visit the loos.I hate the stuff.
Thanks to de first person who brought dis topic up. I have dis skin tag and want to get it off thru surgery. I was scared initially but after reading more comments on dis site am OK now and will go to see my doctor on Wednesday. Mine is sometimes very painful that i can't even sit. I also have rectal prolapse as well. Ladies and gentlemen let's take a bold step to get dis ugly monster from our anus.
Wish I could have commented on this years ago before all of the immature ones got to this post first. No idea why people continue to call it a "condition." It is not a condition, it's a normal anus. Every body part has a general structure but comes in many varieties; these "skin flaps" are simply your variety. Be proud of them!
I had a hemorrhoidectomy 7 years ago. I was left with skin tags that look pretty much exactly like yours. I was scared to do anything because the recovery from the surgery was hell. I finally had my tags removed 2 days ago. The recovery isn't bad at all. I was prescribed Norco, and I'm also taking ibuprofen and metamucil. I take warm sitz baths 4-5 times a day. I sit on a pillow. I'm really not in much discomfort at all, it's very tolerable. Even the bowel movement was fine. The procedure was done in the surgeon's office. He used about 6 shots of lidocaine, a clamp, and scalpel. I do have stitches. If you have skin tags and want them gone, just get it done. I'm so excited that I won't have any more pain, swelling, or worry about hygiene issues! I also want to thank you for this blog and your pictures. This is what helped me educate myself and get up the courage to even talk to my doctor about it.
I had a hemorrhoidectomy 7 years ago. I was left with skin tags that look pretty much exactly like yours. I was scared to do anything because the recovery from the surgery was hell. I finally had my tags removed 2 days ago. The recovery isn't bad at all. I was prescribed Norco, and I'm also taking ibuprofen and metamucil. I take warm sitz baths 4-5 times a day. I sit on a pillow. I'm really not in much discomfort at all, it's very tolerable. Even the bowel movement was fine. The procedure was done in the surgeon's office. He used about 6 shots of lidocaine, a clamp, and scalpel. I do have stitches. If you have skin tags and want them gone, just get it done. I'm so excited that I won't have any more pain, swelling, or worry about hygiene issues! I also want to thank you for this blog and your pictures. This is what helped me educate myself and get up the courage to even talk to my doctor about it.
Dear anonymous asshole that posted on Nov 3rd. May you be blessed with an abundance of "skin flaps". Hope you're told your pain, swelling, hygiene problems, and embarrassment are normal too.
Hi dear anonymous who posted on 10th Nov! How are you now, after one month from surgery? does the area looks smooth or do you have any other skin tags/lumps? Are your stitches dissolved by now? Thank you so much. I am so afraid getting this done.
i have mine for almost 8 years now and not bothered at all until this year i found out that it became bigger in size like a raisin. im afraid going to the doctors to check it but i want it to remove, really, its really uncomfortable. please tell me what is the best medicine to use to make this skin tag shrink....im afraid of surgery.
Dear anonymous on Dec 11th,
Stitches are dissolved, and I'm completely healed up. The recovery was easy. A few sitz baths, ibuprofen around the clock, and ice at the end of the day. I didn't really need the Norco beyond the 2nd day. I was able to work without any issues on Monday. As far as how it looks, it looks completely normal. I'm so glad that I had them removed. Years of agony and embarrassment gone. The surgeon was really cool about it too, said they are common. I was afraid to get it done too. It wasn't bad at all and I would do it all over again if they should ever reappear. I'm going to try to keep an eye on this blog every week or 2 in case you have any questions or just need support. Good luck! Let me know what you decide to do.
Miss Nov 10th
Dear anonymous on Dec 11th,
Stitches are dissolved, and I'm completely healed up. The recovery was easy. A few sitz baths, ibuprofen around the clock, and ice at the end of the day. I didn't really need the Norco beyond the 2nd day. I was able to work without any issues on Monday. As far as how it looks, it looks completely normal. I'm so glad that I had them removed. Years of agony and embarrassment gone. The surgeon was really cool about it too, said they are common. I was afraid to get it done too. It wasn't bad at all and I would do it all over again if they should ever reappear. I'm going to try to keep an eye on this blog every week or 2 in case you have any questions or just need support. Good luck! Let me know what you decide to do.
Miss Nov 10th
Dear anonymous on Dec 11th,
Stitches are dissolved, and I'm completely healed up. The recovery was easy. A few sitz baths, ibuprofen around the clock, and ice at the end of the day. I didn't really need the Norco beyond the 2nd day. I was able to work without any issues on Monday. As far as how it looks, it looks completely normal. I'm so glad that I had them removed. Years of agony and embarrassment gone. The surgeon was really cool about it too, said they are common. I was afraid to get it done too. It wasn't bad at all and I would do it all over again if they should ever reappear. I'm going to try to keep an eye on this blog every week or 2 in case you have any questions or just need support. Good luck! Let me know what you decide to do.
Miss Nov 10th
I have them too. I thought I was the only one. Mines r bigger and very aggravating. I am a little embarrassed by them especially hen having sex from behind. My doctor though thought they're genital warts and prescribed me the medicine. They turned out not to be at all. I am glad u brought this out cause nice I may try to get them removed. Just worried about the pain. Thanks again for opening up!
Ok. 50 yr old m here. I'm a sufferer too. Although, I think the few small ones that I have are a result of a boil that I had on my butt in 1991 that the doctor lanced. In the healing, I believe the tags formed. I am careful to always get a wad of wet toilet paper with a dab of soap handy when going to the bathroom whether out or at home. It helps with the cleaning. Like the Cottonelle commercial says, "dry wipe. Then wet. Then dry again". Anyway, I would love to get rid of them. Love some of the advice on this thread. Oh, one more thing: How come no one has questioned why the pics in the original post have both hairy and hairless butts. Seems like more than one guy to me. And what's with the seemingly extra effort to expose the full range of genitals, as well. Just curious. Everyone seems to be so accepting of this.
I'm very grateful for your bravery and for all those who contributed. Two days ago I had my skin tags removed. I read your blog and the comments and garnered the courage to contact my proctologist. The procedure was fast and I opted for the localized anesthetic. Just a snip later and my chocolate starfish already looks as beautiful as it was before. I first discovered my tags approximately a year ago and then it looked like a lump (a swollen part of my chocolate starfish) where my anal fissure was. Within a year it grew to perhaps the size of a plump raisin and what worried me most was not only the fact that it had grown exponentially in such a short space of time but after closer examination it was growing a tentacle (a friend I guess since it was so lonely). I'm 29 now and I didn't want to deal with the hygiene issues anymore, the swelling and also it was no longer aesthetically pleasing. You never know how beautiful your chocolate starfish is until it is no longer so.
I'm now recovering and the pain is tolerable to non-existent. My doctor prescribed hydrocodone and lidocaine ointment and also diltiazem 2% ointment for help with healing the fissure. I hardly took the hydrocodone except after the anesthetic wore off right after the surgery (basically the area was numbed and the tag cut off with a scalpel) and I haven't taken it since. My doctor also said that it is very unlikely almost no chance that the tags will reemerge after being removed.
Again I want to thank embarrassedbytags and all the men and women who contributed positively. I live in NYC and the whole procedure cost $600 out of pocket with no insurance. Had I chosen to be put to sleep it would have been $1500 with no insurance. I thought it was a small price to pay for one less thing to worry about.
I'm almost inspired to take pictures of my chocolate starfish but I won't. Haha.
My advice to those who are suffering from this nuisance, get it removed. It will be scary at first but focus on how happy you'll be feeling clean and fresh after a bowel movement without having to use several tactics. Also the money you'll save in toilet paper and soap will be worth it. It's not painful and the few days of discomfort is worth it, after all you're already living for some of you years with this discomfort with no end in sight.
I'm very grateful for your bravery and for all those who contributed. Two days ago I had my skin tags removed. I read your blog and the comments and garnered the courage to contact my proctologist. The procedure was fast and I opted for the localized anesthetic. Just a snip later and my chocolate starfish already looks as beautiful as it was before. I first discovered my tags approximately a year ago and then it looked like a lump (a swollen part of my chocolate starfish) where my anal fissure was. Within a year it grew to perhaps the size of a plump raisin and what worried me most was not only the fact that it had grown exponentially in such a short space of time but after closer examination it was growing a tentacle (a friend I guess since it was so lonely). I'm 29 now and I didn't want to deal with the hygiene issues anymore, the swelling and also it was no longer aesthetically pleasing. You never know how beautiful your chocolate starfish is until it is no longer so.
I'm now recovering and the pain is tolerable to non-existent. My doctor prescribed hydrocodone and lidocaine ointment and also diltiazem 2% ointment for help with healing the fissure. I hardly took the hydrocodone except after the anesthetic wore off right after the surgery (basically the area was numbed and the tag cut off with a scalpel) and I haven't taken it since. My doctor also said that it is very unlikely almost no chance that the tags will reemerge after being removed.
Again I want to thank embarrassedbytags and all the men and women who contributed positively. I live in NYC and the whole procedure cost $600 out of pocket with no insurance. Had I chosen to be put to sleep it would have been $1500 with no insurance. I thought it was a small price to pay for one less thing to worry about.
I'm almost inspired to take pictures of my chocolate starfish but I won't. Haha.
My advice to those who are suffering from this nuisance, get it removed. It will be scary at first but focus on how happy you'll be feeling clean and fresh after a bowel movement without having to use several tactics. Also the money you'll save in toilet paper and soap will be worth it. It's not painful and the few days of discomfort is worth it, after all you're already living for some of you years with this discomfort with no end in sight.
I have two of them. One giant ugly one and one not so bad one. I just had the not so bad one removed. It took less than four minutes. You'll need pain killer and stool softener and it will hurt like fuck to poop for about a week, then it doesn't hurt so much but you'll still need the pain killers for after you poop. I'm going on day eight and I'm really glad I had it done, can't wait to get the big one taken off. The small one required no stitches, I'm not sure what the larger one I have will need though... Hopefully it's just as easy. No hospital, it's an in office procedure. Don't see a cosmetic surgeon, see a proper butt doctor. If you happen to live in NYC go see Dr. Brian Harlin on 33 and 2nd.
I have had mine removed on friday. it is quite painful still after 4 days. I am still bleeding and passing stool is painful. these tags can re appear again so the diet has to change and increase of liquids need to be intruduced. constipation can be the cause of these.
I'm pretty sure I have these too. my boyfriend pointed it out to me as a reason he no longer enjoyed doggy style with me. it's definitely made me very aware of them and more insecure if that was possible. I appreciate u sharing ur story and pics bc I have taken pics of mine to see what he sees and it's mortifying for me to think of anyone seeing that but u are all out there ass in camera skin tags and all and I love it! thanks again for being so open and candid!
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